Thursday, May 1, 2008

My VERY BEST friend- EVER!

I'll explain in a minute why I'm sticking my neck out like that. . . :0)

So one must give credit when one is due right? Well I haven't read my comments yet but JULIE (that's my BEST friend Julie up there) called to give me a heads up that she wasn't very happy about my referring to her as "my other girlfriend" (right now she's mad at me because of course I know she was just kidding. . .) Then seriously, when I reflect back and look at all my past posts they're all kids, kids, kids. . . nowhere do I mention another very special person in life- someone who is just as important as all those kiddos- someone I couldn't live without! (and I mean it) This is my very best friend in the whole world, Julie Party-- (the "party"s the important part-hee hee- love ya!) Anyway, there's something to be said for "quality over quantity". In just these past couple of years this girl has come to know me even more so than some of my friends that I've known for years. She has cried with me when it hurt so bad and we have laughed until we pee'd our pants- many many MANY times! She brings me Dunkin Donuts turtle mocha cappacino's exactly when I need one, and Dr. Pepper's even when I don't! The day I took my boards I was stressing out so bad and who shows up at my door with a biggie Dr. Pepper? Julie P. Who was there the countless times I was ready to give up on nursing school, when I said "I guess this isn't for me?" Julie P. Who skipped through the parking lot and sang "we studied, we worked, we're gonna be a nurse. We're gonna pass this test and allllllll the rest" Julie P. (I'm dying right now LOL!) We can be the biggest dorks together- the most professional together- the studiest little book worms- the biggest goofballs- We have seen all sides of each other- in and out- no secrets. We've poured out our hearts and souls and we've slapped each other around. We've been angry with each other and we've been so proud of each other. All under the security "because we can". Because no matter what... we're gonna walk away and know that we'll be back. My friend Tina got me a tree for our backyard as a graduation gift. Along with it she spoke of how it was a sturdy tree, can withstand all the elements- comparing it much to our friendship. Sadly, despite all the water,care and attention, my poor tree died. Oddly enough, I haven't talked to Tina for a year. Trees die. Friendships die (even after 30 years) and new one's are made. And Julie's friendship has truly been an honor and a blessing. They say God puts people in our lives for a reason. I believe I was given Julie for a reason. Here's to my best friend ever- who not only took over the "best friend responsibilities" (panicking before a party, etc) just as well- but even better- and those were some mighty shoes to fill!!

P.S. The reason I'm sticking my neck out is because the saying goes "if you reach out your neck it hides your double chin"- so I thought I'd give it a try! :0) hey- gotta love me!


Anonymous said...

I was laughing out loud too...and to think we were SO PROUD of those lyrics! I did shed a little tear. It's a very nice post about ME...cause afterall, it's ALL ABOUT ME. You're the best friend anyone would want and I truly appreciate you for everything. When life gives you lemons...make...oh wait...that's not the saying. It goes, "that last lemon is JUST FOR ME" hee hee... I love ya!

Anonymous said...

I have a foley to you want to do it for me?

HURRY HURRY...close the elevator doors...

"Care of the hospitalized child"