Friday, December 5, 2008

Winter in Chicago

This blog is dedicated to our family on the west coast basking in the warm sunny weather while we pile on the layers just to go out the front door. I made out on "Black Friday" with new snowsuits for the kids. Lauren's is from Macy's and she is snug as a bug in that suit. Here she is on her way to school. . .

After school, Isabelle and Emily came over to help build the first snowman of the season. Recognizing they couldn't possibly lift the middle snowball, Lauren grabbed a piece of scrapwood from the garage and together they hoisted it up there.

The girls took a break for me to grab this picture then it was back to work.

No playing in the snow for Gavin. He got bit by the flu bug. Seeing as he never threw up before, he was crying out at 3am, "I'm choking" and I found him lying flat on his back throwing up- and he's been throwing up all day :0( (which is the only the reason I have time to sit and blog while he's napping)

There'a plenty more to blog about but Gav's here now and wants to snuggle :0)


Julie said...

You did it! I like your new look on the blog. Poor Gav, I hope he's feeling better. Can't wait to see Lauren's snowman.

Anonymous said...

Poor Gavin, he looks so sick. He must have really felt rotten because he never lays still for long. It's nice to see Lauren and her friends having so much fun outside.
Thanks for the pictures.
Love ya, Mom