Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lauren started horseback riding lessons. . .

And is she in her element here! The silly Lauren we've all come to know (and love :0) is the most responsible young lady when she's at the stable. She brushes her horse nicely, puts the blanket and saddle on and is such a good girl when she's riding. She is taking this very seriously and says she wants this over volleyball :( , over swimming, over gymnastics. . . so this is it for now. Hunter starts inline hockey Sunday and Gav & I are going to take "little dipper" swimming lessons :0) So there's plenty to keep us busy! Lovin' every minute of it though.


Anonymous said...

Yea Lauren!!! Enjoy!!!
Love ya, Grandma

Julie said...

She looks great up on that horse! She has always loved animals so it's not surprising to me that she likes this so much. Have fun Lauren!


Aunt Julie