Monday, October 6, 2008


Last weekend the little local town near us celebrated their 175th year! Oswego is said to be the 14th fastest growing suburb in the nation but we sure enjoyed the small town feel of it. A little town nestled along the Fox River, Oswego is the up and coming "Naperville" with antique shops, bike and hiking trails along the river and cute little restaurants. They closed off the streets in the downtown area and had live music, and all sorts of activities- we made it in time to see the beard and mustache contest- yippee! $100 for the best beard- that's a lot of cash. What was really nice is that all the local farmers were there and I overheard many of the older people talking about how "Bob won the mustache contest" etc. etc. etc. - all the locals who have lived there their whole lives since it was just an unheard of little area. I love to learn about the town's heritage and what once was.
That playground in the background is mine and Gavin's favorite

Lauren tried her hand at archery- shot a beaver in the butt! (a fake one of course) Then we strolled over and talked to a native american Indian who told us of what life was like for his ancestors in the area.
Who could resist cotton candy outside the tea shop? All to support the local businesses- which I am a firm believer in.
Gavin loved all the antique tractors- that was one of the biggest reasons we went- we managed to keep busy for 4 hours until the fireworks display that night!

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