Monday, April 14, 2008

Gavin's field trip

Does a trip to the "Family Laundry Center" count as an outing in a baby book? Because it sure was an excursion! Our dryer's on the fritz so Gav and I halled allllllllllll our laundry to the laundry mat this morning. Todd stayed home from work to fix the dryer. I figured I'd get more done with Gavin than Todd could having to be scrunched behind the dryer. Well Gav loved it! He helped me put all the clothes in and loved watching it. Then- just our luck another little 2 year old boy came in! Gavin made friends quickly and the two of them colored, read books and ate snacks that I bought with. I admit I was starting to panic when it came to fold everything. Gav was getting bored by now and there was A LOT to do but then, just our luck, Todd called to see how we were doing so he met us there and folded all the clothes while I brought Gavin home for lunch and a nap. It was quite an adventurous morning! But we got nice smelling closets AND Todd got the dryer fixed so it was a profitable morning after all :0)

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