Saturday, April 5, 2008

Three cheers for Hunter!

I've always said "you can't judge a book by it's cover". Hunter gets his long hair back! One of those certificates is honor roll and the other is "student of the quarter" for being a positive role model- YES- OUR HUNTER! The book phrase suits him because he loves having long hair and we've said "we love having good grades"- so that's our deal. Now, to look at him I think people see a long haired, scraggly kid-little do they know he needs to be on honor roll to have that long hair! We are so proud of him. He was waiting everyday for his report card to come in the mail confident it was good. And I'll tell ya what, he made more money in an hour than I do! Lauren's also got all "E's" which would translate to straight A's and Mr. Tamez said she "continues to amaze him with her ideas". Way to go kids!


Julie said...

Way to Go Hunter! We're so proud of you!


Aunt Julie and the gang

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Hunter for doing such a good job!! Keep up the good work Hunter!!!! We will look past the long hair and will look deep into that wonderful boy. We all know you can do it. You're one smart 8th grader. Keep up the good work. We love you Hunter!!

Congratulations to Lauren!! We all know you are full of ideas. Also know that you are one smart cookie!! Keep up the good work!!
We love you Lauren!!!

Congratulation to Melanie and Todd!! You are raising two wonderful children there. Keep up the good work.

Congratulations Gavin!! You're one sweet baby. Stay that way!!!
Love ya Gav!!!

Love to all!
aka Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hunter . . . good going. You make us all proud. So now you get to leave your hair grow longer??? Does it get in your way while running?

Love ya, G-Dad and Joyce