Saturday, July 19, 2008

Big Bugs!

On Friday, we spent the day at the Morton Arboretum. Hunter doesn't care much about this anymore so since he was at his friends, I took Lauren and Gavin. For anyone who doesn't know, Lauren LOVES bugs! In fact her first word was "bug" when she saw a ladybug on the window at Aunt Julie's. So she was in her glory here. Gav is still tempted to smash them just to see what would happen but Lauren's teaching him to be kind to all of God's creatures- even the tiny ones.

Goodluck getting a picture of him standing still- there was too much to do!
Here Gav's marveling at the giant spider.
Dragon flies are Lauren's favorite.
One of four giant ants.
Having fun by the daddy long legs.
(this is Lauren typing now): We had a good day and I caught 2 medium-sized dragon flies and a couple beedle bugs. And when we were leaving, mom and I took a small drive around the park.
Go check it out: It's a wonderful place to visit any time of the year and they have a wealth of education about protecting the environment and all the little guys who share our world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like they had fun there. Gee, they make bugs big there. I wonder what Gavin was thinking!
I'm glad you enjoyed the day!!