Friday, August 1, 2008

Good old Murphy's at it again!

You know that old adage regarding "Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong, will". Well I frequently credit that guy for alot of goings on in my life. When it comes to stress, I tend to deal with it with humor as I chuckle to myself and say "you can thank Murphy for that one!" He cursed us all with that stupid saying!! Anyway- you know how you go through the drive thru for dinner, or what have you, and more often than not they've screwed up your order. In fact, it's happened so many times that you're just not surprised anymore. Tonight at Jewel I bought those cute mini graham cracker cakes to fill with pudding- it clearly states "6 in a package". Well. . . . there were only 5! That's right folks. I've been had. I've been taken for a baby graham cracker cake. Isn't that odd? I couldn't even take a picture for you because my camera's broke. Then when I went for Hunter's- his batteries are dead! My turkey casserole burnt, the mashed potatoes were too mashy and I was short a pudding pie for dinner! I just have to giggle and actually share that I feel so grateful that that was the brunt of my problems today. Things like this always put so much into prospective for me. There a children starving, animals dying out, families facing crises and my problem today was that I was shorted a Keebler graham cracker cup. Just a reminder, to especially be grateful for the things we take for granted every day. I thank God everyday for my blessings. And I thank Murphy for helping me to appreciate them!

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