Friday, August 22, 2008

What I'm excited about today. . .

My new Nikon Coolpix- Eco Green. Yes I've jumped on the bandwagon and I'm all about "going green". Really, what have we got to lose by working to make our earth a better place? We've got plenty to lose- and so do our children, and their children - if we sit by and do nothing while the earth and it's species deteriorate in front of us. They say the earth will be at it's maximum capacity by 2050- and what kind of earth will it be if we don't do things now to protect it! That's enough of my preaching, but really, this is a pretty cool little camera for being so cheap. This is what makes me excited today, what I dream about tomorrow is the Nikon D80- OH I have to have it!! I went into the camera shop and said, "I need a camera that can capture my toddler in the blink of an eye. I have to capture these moments, now. I need a camera that can grab my 14 year old playing football down on the field. And I need a camera that can encompass all the beauty that is my daughter." and this little gadget will do it (at least until I get my Nikon D80!!) and while I take great shots of my children, I know that I've also done my part to help keep their world safe and clean. Such a great feeling!!!!! If you're in the market for a new digital, this is it!!!

Your Purchase of this Exclusive Camera Model will help the environment and make you Carbon Neutral For One Month By Offsetting Almost 2 Tons of Carbon Dioxidewhen you purchase the Eco-Green CoolPix S52.*
*Your Purchase will fund the reforestation efforts of and through these efforts will offset 1.91 tons of carbon dioxide per camera sold during this promotion. This amount represents one month of the average American?s carbon footprint based on U.S. Department of Energy data.
The goal is to eliminate over 40,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the environment.

visit: to learn more!!

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